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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

About my book

Hello,Hola,Nihao, KONICHIWAAAAAA!!!
Mayumi here!!! 

What is up with these typhoons recently!?!
Like really, we had two big hurricanes in such a short period...

But oh well, at least last Monday's class and this Monday's fifth period class got cancelled so that was a good news, right?? But it would had been better if Tuesday's classes got cancelled but ohh well. 

Well for me, I LOVE AUTUMN.. Especially when it comes to limited edition foods :) 
Pumpkin, Maroon, 焼き芋  yummm yummm yummmmmm :D
So I'm currently cherishing my favorite season by eating my favorite flavored foods :D 

So... to the main point about this post..
The book that I have chosen is

"Fast Food Nation:The Dark Side of the All-American Meal"

This book was written by Eric Schlosser in year of 2001.
As how it can be implied from the title, this book examines about "Fast Food" that has become an integral aspect in the current society. 
McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, Mos Burger you name it, whether it's a rural or an urban city, you will find ATLEAST one fast food restaurant. 
Have you ever had a temptation where you wanted a food like french fries or a burger from a fast food restaurant soo badly?. That is probably due to the fact that these restaurant uses an additive which makes their food addictive. By considering this fact, in my perspective the current society consider fast food as one type of comfort food. Where we have an idea that no matter what place we are at on the Earth, the fast food restaurant serve an appetizing(or eatable)  food. 

One of the reasons why I have chosen this book is because when I was in High School I once watched a movie called "Super Size Me". 

This movie is about an experiment that was done to a guy name, Morgan Spurlock. The aim for the experiment was to examine the effects that fast food has on our body. Morgan Spulorck was only allowed to consume food that was served in McDonalds for thirty days. Therefore for thirty days straight, all of his three meals for a day was from McDonalds. I won't mention with a lot of detail, but of course the experiment proved the fact that  fast food has an negative impact on our body. Since then I tried to be cautious about what I consume and tried to avoid fast foods as much as possible 

So back to the book......
I haven't got a chance to read the book far enough to write something interesting or worth noting. So far the book introduced a guy name Carl N. Karcher, who is considered as one of the fast food pioneers. Who sold hot dogs in a cart and later opened a drive in BBQ restaurant in a period after the WW2. 

By reading this book I am hoping to widen my knowledge in fast food... 

1 comment:

  1. Your choice of book was excellent. I read it quite a few years ago and was impressed with both how well it was written and how much the author cared about people...not only the people who eat food, but also those who grow it, process it, and prepare it. I've heard there's a movie that was made which has the same title as the book (a drama; not a documentary) but I haven't seen it yet.
